At the time of my attentive following of all political events, the activities of propaganda had always been of extremely great interest to me. In it I saw an instrument which just the Socialist-Marxist organizations mastered and knew how to apply with expert skill. I learned very soon that the right use of propaganda represents an art which was and remained almost entirely unknown to the bourgeois parties. Only the Christian-Socialist movement, especially during Lueger's time, acquired a certain virtuosity with this instrument and it owed much of its success to it.
But it was shown only during the War to what enormously important results a suitably applied propaganda may lead. Unfortunately, everything has to be studied on the other side; for the activity on our side was more than modest in this respect. However, the very failure of the entire enlightenment on the side of the Germans a fact which was bound to stare in the face of every soldier now caused me to occupy myself still more thoroughly with this question.
There was often more than enough time for thinking, but it was unfortunately the enemy who gave us only too good an object lesson.
Adolf Hitler - Mein Kampf